
Neighbourhood Watch Network understands that our volunteers go out into their communities, and this means undertaking various activities which could bring them into potentially confrontational situations. It could also lead to them observing and recognising safeguarding issues. This guidance aims to provide practical ways that can reduce any risks.


Personal safety guidance

  • Before embarking on any activity, ensure that someone knows where you are going and how long you expect to be.
  • If you are planning on door knocking, please try to go with someone, in pairs for instance.
  • NEVER go into someone’s property.  Unless of course you already know them or are friends.
  • Ensure that you have a charged mobile phone to use.
  • If you are in a situation that makes you feel threatened or uneasy, please walk away and immediately call for assistance.  If you are in danger, call 999. 
  • Consider carrying a personal alarm and activating it if you feel threatened.
  • Do not put yourself in danger.  Walk away and call 999 if threat is still there


Vulnerable people

If you feel that person maybe vulnerable, this could be because of a variety of reasons, including age, disability, cost of living etc, then, as a NW Coordinator, think of how as a community you can all support this person.  This could be by activities that the community do together, or if you feel they need access to more help, let your local SNT Police team know, who have access to agencies that can support them and ensure that they have access to the support they need.


Identifying and reporting safeguarding concerns

Sometimes you may be alerted to something that does not quite feel right and you are concerned for your or someone else’s personal safety.  This could be a victim of suspected domestic abuse, cocooning, child abuse, child sex exploitation, and county lines – to name but a few.  It is important to note that if you are made aware of this or recognise the signs as detailed below, that you follow the advice provided and do not put yourself or anyone else in danger.

  • Do not react to the situation, apologise and say you need to leave or make a call, calmly walk away, and call the police and alert them of your suspicions.
  • NEVER confront the suspected perpetrator




Please note this is a sensitive topic. If you need support, you can call the National Domestic Abuse Helpline on their 24-hour free number: 0808 2000 247 OR Victim Support on their 24-hour free number: 0333 271 0094 or Live Chat Service


Please click on the link below for guidance for NW Coordinators

Know the signs of Domestic Abuse – guidance for Neighbourhood Watch Coordinators