Reporting a burglary
If you are unlucky and have been a victim of burglary, you can report it in several ways:
- If it's an emergency and the burglary is still taking place, call 999 and ask for the police.
- If it's not an emergency, do not call 999. This doesn't mean the crime is not important – it just helps the police make the best use of resources. Many police forces use the 101 non-emergency number, so you can ring that number instead.
- You can go to your local police station and report the crime there. You can find the address and telephone number in the local telephone directory. Check what time your local police station is open, as not all stations are open all the time.
- Report it online.
- Remember to note down your police crime number for insurance purposes!

If you have information regarding a burglary and don't want to talk to the police, contact the charity Crimestoppers online or call 0800 555 111. You will remain 100% anonymous. Always.
Support after a burglary
The prospect of burglary causes anxiety. Experiencing it can be traumatic, causing material loss and sometimes long-term psychological effects. Contact your local Neighbourhood Watch scheme for support, or if you do not have one in your area, consider starting one.
You can also contact Victim Support on 08 08 16 89 111 for emotional and practical support following a crime or visit