At Neighbourhood Watch we are so thankful for our dedicated volunteers and the work that they do to support their communities.  We have various options for you to become a volunteer with us, from long term opportunities to shorter terms, if that suits you better. As a volunteer with us, you get support, connect with other volunteers and receive our monthly Volunteer News.



Our family of Coordinator roles includes a Coordinator, a Deputy Coordinator and an Area Coordinator.

A Coordinator is a person who volunteers to bring their neighbours together to start a group. As a Coordinator, you can run more than one group. If your scheme is large, you may consider asking other neighbours to act as deputies and support you.

A Deputy Coordinator supports the Coordinator. An Area Coordinator supports a number of Coordinators in a small local area.

Coordinators provide crime prevention support to their group and help to develop a more resilient and better-connected community where crime can't flourish. A Coordinator's role includes improving a community's wellbeing, reducing opportunities for crime by encouraging members to take positive ction and by doing it TOGETHER.  A well-run group supports members to feel less isolated, and safer. In areas where Neighbourhood Watches are active, crime is less likely to flourish, and people feel a greater sense of pride in their area.



We have a range of volunteering opportunities which you can effectively dip in or out of, or run to the end of the project.

We know the value in volunteering and the limited time that people have these days. Our project specific volunteering options provide the ability to be flexible with your time. The projects that we are recruiting for are:

Learn more by visiting the project-specific pages linked above. Contact your Association to find out about local opportunities.


Associations support Coordinators and members within their region or force area. Associations are run by a multitude of supportive volunteers that do specific roles based on their individual skillset.

There are opportunities to volunteer to support your Association in roles such as: Lead, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Welfare Lead, Digital Lead, Partnership Coordinator, Project Lead, and Development and Training Coordinator. If you have a specific skill that you think might be useful, such as fundraising, community engagement, social networking, and design, then please contact your local Association.  

You could simply wish to support an event and hand out flyers.  The opportunities are endless.

Many volunteers take on more than one role and they are often Coordinators themselves. They therefore have a range of diverse experiences to bring to the Association.


BECOME A MEMBERSHIP SUPPORT ADMINISTRATOR (MSA) This is a volunteer who administrates the national membership database, supported by Associations. They are authorised to access data for geographical areas of different sizes. They update user details, administer scheme details, produce reports, and send messages. Find out more about becoming a Membership Support Administrator.

There are opportunities to support Neighbourhood Watch Network by volunteering within our team in roles such as social media volunteer, copywriter volunteer, or press volunteer. Please email

If you are a young person looking to engage with your community through Neighbourhood Watch, have a look at our Young People page.