During these unprecedented times the Offa and Esclusham Neighbourhood Team have continued to serve their community and make it a safe place to live.
The team can often be seen out on the beat on foot patrol across their patch engaging with the local community.
Despite the current unprecedented climate we remain visible and accessible to the public, working effectively with our partner agencies and where necessary taking action against those that have a detrimental effect on our community and cause residents most harm, we will continue to make our area a safer place to live.
PC Smith
Offa & Esclusham Neighbourhood Policing Team ( NPT) have recently launched Operation Blue Instinct.
During the Autumn period where the nights are drawing in, there is an increase in acquisitive crime, in particular what is commonly referred to as Twilight burglaries.
The aim of the Operation Blue Instinct is to prevent burglaries, deter and disrupt those that cause the community most harm, reduce crime and build safer neighbourhoods. The team are going to work with partnership agencies and stakeholders to identify those most vulnerable in the community to implement necessary and proportionate safeguarding measures.
The team have held crime prevention and Neighbourhood Watch awareness events, and shared crime prevention tips on social media.
The NPT in collaboration of both Offa and Esclusham community councils have recently also launched a campaign to promote and encourage residents who want to make their area a safer place to consider starting a Neighbourhood Watch scheme.
If you would like to find out more information about becoming a Neighbourhood Watch Coordinator in the area visit https://www.ourwatch.org.uk/support/support-schemes/what-scheme-or-area-coordinator or email the Offa and Esclusham Neighbourhood Policing Team OffaSectorWrexham@nthwales.pnn.police.uk.