The Home Office is running research to find out how you currently access policing information and services on and how these could be improved.
The website was launched in 2011 to enable the public to see crime levels in their area, and the action being taken by the police and criminal justice agencies to tackle crime and anti-social behaviour.
Since its launch, the site has been developed to provide the public with more information, including allowing users to see how the performance of their police force or neighbourhood policing team compares with similar areas.
The Home Office is working with Globant Consulting to develop the future website, and wants to hear from members of the public who would like to participate in paid, user research.
The sessions would take place either face to face or remotely. The findings will help shape the future website and improve online policing services.
As well as members of the public, the Home Office is looking for the following types of users of these websites:
• Researchers and academics
• Media, journalists and bloggers
• Civil servants and employees of charities
• Web and software developers (using data and APIs provided on both websites)
If you are interested in participating in this research, please confirm your interest and provide your contact details by completing this online form. Contact details you provide will be shared with Globant, for this research work and to schedule a session.
For any additional questions please email: