West Midlands Neighbourhood Watch Association
As a Neighbourhood Watch Force Area Association our vision is to help connect, build and empower active communities within civil society, to increase the standards of living and quality of life across the West Midlands and surrounding regions.'
As an association we work to support the county’s existing Neighbourhood Watch coordinators and members and actively encourage and facilitate the formation of new watches. We encourage the start-up of new Watches by providing advice and support in the early stages and support existing Watches by sharing best practice and promoting the benefits of good community spirit. We aim to ensure that all our coordinators feel supported whilst carrying out their essential role within their communities.
We work in partnership with The Police Crime Commissioner, West Midlands Police, councils, community organisations and other agencies. Thus, enabling us to build a much stronger and safer network of schemes throughout the county.
A Neighbourhood Watch Scheme is a group of neighbours who want to help reduce crime and the fear of crime in their area. They will look out for each other and help build a caring community. One or more neighbours will be the coordinator/s who helps communication in the scheme.
We rely on unpaid volunteers at all levels. We are always looking for volunteers to join us, particularly at local level. You can join the Neighbourhood Watch Network by clicking on the join us link. Once you become a member of NW, you can then join a scheme in your area if one is in place, join NW as a ‘national’ member or consider starting a new scheme for the benefit of your fellow residents.
If you would like to be involved in our work at Association level such as a 'Membership Support Administrator or Project Leader or helper, then email us at enquiries@wmacf.org.uk.
In the West Midlands we provide street signs and window stickers to Approved NW Schemes which are supplied through your local policing team. Other NW merchandise can be obtained from the Charity’s shop - https://nwnshop.myshopify.com/
For all enquiries concerning Neighbourhood Watch in the West Midlands, including seeking guidance for the approval of your scheme, please use the below contact details:
Contact details:
- Chair: Kardaya Rooprai
- Email: enquiries@wmacf.org.uk