We are proud to announce Neighbourhood Watch Network, the umbrella charity for Neighbourhood Watch groups across England and Wales, is trialling a new Community Grants Fund. The Trustees of Neighbourhood Watch Network have set aside funds toward a 6-month trial community grants programme for local groups delivering or setting up Neighbourhood Watch activities within their communities. Funds can be used for one-off project work or core costs. Groups will be able to apply for between £100 - £500 to deliver their Neighbourhood Watch work locally.    

‘We know that for many of the local groups the effects of Covid-19 have been very challenging on their ability to raise funds, especially over summer when some hold street parties, family days, etc. One of the ways we hope to support local areas through these difficult times is with the trial introduction of our new Community Grants fund. ‘

Amy Mawby, Head of Fundraising

More information and how to apply visit www.ourwatch.org.uk/communitygrants.